Month: September 2012

Thrifting Challenge

The Thrifting Challenge is complete! I bet you guys are wondering what thrifitng challenge? Well, Nakia from Vogue & Vintage hosted a thrifting challenge at Salvation Army. Rules were to spend $30 on Wednesday with the 25% off discount! Whoever got the best goodies wins $30! So basically you went shopping for free! Winner will be announced on Monday! Here are the items I  thrifted and how I styled them! Hope you enjoyed this fun post because I certainly did! Also, follow me on Instagram @kellyro 🙂


Outfit 1. Brown Bell Pants

Outfit 2. Brown Suede Pumps

Outfit 3. Black Skirt

Outfit 4. Black & White Top/Button Up

Outfit 5. Gold Belt & Red Tennies.

Mint and Orange

Well Marisol and I finally started our first day of Senior year in HS and we are almost at a year with Captured Liger!! Woo-Hoo!! This outfit I wore for the first day of school, it seemed simple but very cute! I got the top from Marshalls. I am in LOVE the peter pan collar trend! Also, my pants are from H&M I noticed that they are coming out with more colored jeans/pants for the season! Go get yourself a pair they are GREAT! Last but not least, my shoes are from Target! I have been obsessing over these cheetah loafers for the longest time ever! I was totally excited to wear them so I have been wearing them non-stop. They are very comfortable and they break-in fast. Thanks for supporting Captured Liger and our Vision<3
